New Beats !
Beiträge von Johan VDS
Here's a new special effects cymbal I hammered. I called it the 18" "Ripple Trash" for obvious reasons. It's 1850 grams and has several sounds. It can be used as a china-like cymbal but also as a ride.…sh_1850gr_(from_Ufip).mp3
Also a newly hammered 24" Tony Williams ("Nefertiti") ride 2985 grams.…from_Zildjian_Avedis).mp3
Some more new cymbals, including hihats and effects, can be found on my site (cf my signature beneath).
That's because of a chemical treatment to create an oxide skin for a slightly drier sound, like an old oxidized cymbal.
No, handhammering is done cold.
Original von seppel
alte aveden sind für mich aus den 50ern und frühen 60ern.Yes and even older. At least we agree on that
ZitatI got a 20 and a 14 HH. there is no brightness in these cymbals!
they sounds like a piece of wood!
Normally these cymbals have a lot of brightness. Perhaps yours were treated badly or played too hard. Or maybe they are extremely dirty.
ZitatIs it possible to overwork these inferior Cymbals to achieve an harmonic sound or is a wrecked blank an incurable patient?
You're talking about the B-quality of Turkish cymbals ? Yes, In most cases they can be rehammered/relathed to a much better sound. Even the A-quality often has flaws. Drummers send me many cymbals from Istanbul, Bosphorus, Masterwork, Turkish, etc. for corrections. Actually most of them can be improved.
Original von seppel
alte aveden klingen extrem dunkelAgain I don't agree
Old Avedis are certainly darker than the new ones but they are generally still a bright type of sound.Have a listen to some of the cymbals I've hammered to get an idea what "dunkel" is...
Especially listen to my Tony Williams (Neferiti) rides on my website HERE.
Also some of my other cymbals, like this [url=,75_Extra_Dark_Ride_2820gr_(from_Paiste_Signature_22_Power_Ride).mp3]22" Extra Dark Ride[/url] I hammered from a Paiste Signature 22" Power ride
Or this 18" Dark Crash I hammered from a Sabian AA 18" crash.
Original von seppel
wer von den insidern hier kennt denn den tony williams ride sound aus den 60ern? wer zildjians aus den 60ern kennt weiss, dass die dinger für heutige verhältnisse unbrauchbar sindI certainly don't agree. The Tony Williams sound is actually something I'm asked to make quite often. You can use it for everthing from jazz, blues to even rock.
Not all cymbals have to go "PIIINNGGG" nowadays. The interest in an older, more complex and washy type of sound is actually growing. Even amongst rockdrummers.
Original von Drumstudio1
Dies hat oftmals mit der guten Qualität mancher türkischer Produkte zu tun.Actually the quality of Turkish cymbals is very inconsistent and certainly not always good. Some are very good, others (though the same model) can sound terribly bad.
Precisely the huge demand is responsible for this, because the cymbals are very hastily hammered into shape and not really tested thoroughly. The huge demand forces the factories to engage unskilled people and give them only a minimum of training, just enough so they can roughly hammer the blanks into shape, but they are not able to finetune the cymbals.
Many of the cymbals have flaws like areas that have an incorrect surface tension, resulting in "false" harmonics or hollow unmusical sounds. Some cymbals also have material defects like pitmarks or thin spots caused by lathing errors.
So it would be very easy to divide the cymbals into several "qualities" and sell the "B" models for a lower price to a company who puts a different name on them.
Original von Crossroad
15% Aufpreis für Istanbul SZ bedeutet, dass man für 15% Aufpreis ein Becken mit dem Istanbul-Schriftzug (SZ) bekommt und nicht das ersteigerte Becken mit dem "Doppler-Drums Turkish Line (DD TL)" SZ. Das sind die gleichen Becken, nur mit jeweils anderer Aufschrift. Das ist tatsächlch etwas ungewollt/gewollt unklar formuliert, zumal man das Wort Schriftzug ruhig ausschreiben hätte können. 15€ Selbstabholgebühr ist jedensfalls dreist.I haven't seen too many Turkish Line Dopplers in Belgium so it's hard to judge, but when the cymbals are indeed made in the same factory, there's a good chance Dopplers are Istanbul's "seconds". So a slightly lower quality. The ones that come out the best will probably carry the Istanbul label.
Original von robi
Aus alten Raucherzeiten den EMP-Hanf-Aschenbecher aus Messing rausgekramt und mal mit nem Stick draufgehauen, nicht übel sprach der Dübel, Loch rein, aufgehangen, feddich.Great idea ! Now hammer it !
Two sets of heavily modified Paiste 2002 hihats, now both light jazzy hihats.
13" Light hats :…gr_(from_Paiste_2002).mp3
15" Light hats :…gr_(from_Paiste_2002).mp3
20" Smooth Jazz Ride 1980 grams…from_Zildjian_Avedis).mp3
20" Tony Williams "Nefertiti" ride 2335 grams…from_Zildjian_Avedis).mp3
Original von zorschl
So, if I hammer in circles parallel to the cup, the material will expand in direction of the circles mainly and just a bit in the direction of the radiusYou will indeed get a bow shape if you hammer several circles. But to get a more pronounced bow you'll need to hammer in between the circles as well.
Well I have to stay a LITTLE bit polite, don't I ??
Original von zorschl
So ist es, also rund um die Kuppe mehr hämmern als nach außen hin. Dadurch erreicht man allerdings, dass das Becken innen dünner wird als außen, was ja eigentlich nicht der Fall sein sollte. Hast Du eine Möglichkeit, das Becken hinterher abzudrehen? Ich glaube, auf hat mal jemand beschrieben, wie man sich eine entsprechende Drehbank selber bauen kann. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass man mit der Anordnung der Hammerschläge auch beinflussen kann, in welche Richtung sich das Material ausdehnt, z.B. wenn man innen in koaxialen Kreisen arbeitet, dürfte sich das Material nicht zum Rand hin ausdehnen, während man nach außen hin mehr in radialen Strahlen arbeiten müsste, um die Wölbung zu erhalten aber trotzdem das Material zu verdichten. Johan möge mich korrigieren, wenn ich Quatsch schreibe...My knowledge of the German language is a bit too basic to really understand everything you are writing...but ehm...sorry...I'm afraid it does indeed look a bit like Quatsch
Every hammerstroke makes the metal a little bit thinner and thus expands the metal, regardless of the direction in which you work or where you start. Bronze is not like clay or a tube of toothpaste...
Anyhow hammering is not the method to control the thickness of cymbals. That's what a lathe is meant for.
And yes you can build a lathe yourself if you just copy the principle of a simple Turkish cymbal-lathe.
Original von buddler
I pressed it with an old real big ball bearing ball.To press, you need more than only a also need a press that holds the rest of the metal in place while the sheet is molded around the ball.
Without a picture of your work it's difficult to judge, but instead of pressing (which you can't do without a press) you should have hammered the shape of a bell into the sheet. That would have kept the rest of the sheet flat.
After the hammering of the bell you can start the hammer the bow into the sheet, for which you need to hammer both the top and the bottom of the plate. -
It's probably B 6.
So first you hammered the cup into the sheet, right?
Any progress?
What's the size and the alloy of that sheet? And do you have a picture of the current "situation"?
Und die dort von 1981-1984 produzierten K laufen gemeinhin unter der Bezeichnung EAK.
To me , these EAK's are the last Zildjian cymbals worthy of the letter "K".Nearly all the later K's should really be called Avedis Dark.