ZitatOriginal von Enzi
Wird das Becken aber rundum verkleinert, dann änderst Du das Profil des Beckens sehr stark. Ein 20" Becken auf 18" abgedreht hat ein ganz anderes Profil als ein 18" Becken. Damit ist der Klang auch ganz anders: Bedingt durch den dickeren Randbereich geht die schnelle Ansprache verloren und das Becken wird "gongig". Enzi
Correct. Not only the profile will change, but also the tension. Some cymbals will even flip inside out automatically after downsizing.
After downsizing the cymbal must be rehammered into the correct profile and tension, otherwise it will usually sound dreadful. It will also have to be lathed to give it back a "taper" (= become thinner towards the edge).
This whole process of downsizing, hammering and lathing is the best and most durable way to "repair" a cymbal, because this way the cymbal gets a new round and intact edge and the right tension and profile again.
Just drilling a hole will usually not help very long. But drilling a bigger hole helps better than a small hole. So better use a large drill like 8 mm instead of 2 mm.
Very important: when the alloy is B20 the metal MUST NOT get hot when drilling or cutting out a piece!!
When you cut out a piece, it must be a U-shape, NOT a V.
A V-shape will easily crack again.