ja, stimmt genau, was du schreibst. Aber ich wollte noch mehr sagen: Vergesst die Arroganz, zieht nicht über Kollegen her, und macht nicht den Fehler, andere nach derem technischen Können zu beurteilen - Musikalität ist eigentlich viel wichtiger.....
oder um es mit Neil Young zu sagen (der ist zwar Gitarrist, die Aussage ist aber übertragbar):
First off, nobody cares if you know how to play scales. Nobody gives a shit if you have good technique or not. It's whether you have feelings that you want to express with music, that's what counts, really. When you are able to express yourself and feel good, then you know why you're playing. The technical aspect is absolute hogwash as far as I'm concerned. It bores me to tears. I can't play fast. I don't even know my scales. I know that most of the notes I play aren't where I play them. They're simply not there. So you can play any note you like. I think about it on another level, I don't care about that sort of shit. On the other hand, I appreciate really great guitarists, and I'm very impressed by those metal groups with their scale guitarists. When I see that, I go «Holy shit, that's really something». Satriani and Eddie Van Halen are guitar geniuses. They are incredible musicians, at an amazing level. But it does't really grab me. One note will do.