Lies noch mal mein Posting, es war die Rede von "Großzahl bekannter Musiker"... Glaubst du, dass z.B. ein Joey Jordison das Pearl Forum/Export oder Paiste Alphas aus Überzeugung bewirbt/beworben hat? Also bitte... Es wird auch sicherlich nicht damit getan sein, dass er live Pearl-Equipment nutzen darf...
Ich meine mit Werbung auch bestimmt nicht die kopierte Preisliste eines türkischen Beckenherstellers oder dessen Internetauftritt, sondern groß angelegte Werbeaktionen...
Du hast nach wie vor nicht "belegt", dass du überhaupt weisst, wovon du sprichst, oder einfach nur mutmasst.
Im Gegensatz dazu hier ein Beispiel meinerseits aus der realen Welt, Originaltext von Gavin Harrison (…=1047191&postcount=5825):
I have never received money to play a certain product. Nearly all of the
products that I endorse - I was playing and buying before hand. I would
not want to endorse something that I didn't love - just because it was
free. Most major companies run an endorser program - and they may offer a
drummer a sliding scale of endorsement depending on your status as a
player. That is to say how well known you are - NOT necessarily how GOOD
you are.
My first endorsement was a kind of 'Silver endorsement' which meant that
the company sold the equipment to me at a reduced price. I was
delighted with that of course. They didn't put me in their adverts nor
invite me to make drum clinics for them. I never thought that the
endorsement would validate or elevate me as a player. I was a small
gamble for them - they didn't lose any money but they invested in a
young 'up and coming' player.
With the endorsements I have now - I get the equipment for free - but it
doesn't belong to me - I can't sell it. It belongs to the companies
(like a long term loan) - and they often upgrade my stuff with the
latest versions as they come out. They give me worldwide support - so if
I fly to a far off country they could supply me with the gear I need in
that country. That is of GREAT value of course. I make drum clinic
tours - which is usually initiated by one of the companies (and the
others make a smaller financial contribution to help with the costs as
well as supply their equipment to use on the clinics). I do get paid for
those events - but the cost is normally split across all the companies
and the shop or drum festival that is hosting it.
It's quite a complicated process in arranging, hosting and paying the
expenses for a clinic. The endless comments on FaceBook "Hey Dude why
don't you play a clinic in XXX my home town" ...are not really that
useful. I don't get to choose or decide the exact locations of where the
clinics are made.
I don't actually own the equipment that you see me play. I do still have
a couple of kits from the old days plus a load of old cymbals and snare