Danke für das schnelle Antworten hier.
Beziehe mich eher auf diese Aussage, die ich auf http://www.el-tramo.be gefunden hab:
"There’s also a way of getting stereo sound (using L and R) and STILL using a metronome AND one source for tempo’s
(as a reference I use the DB-90, but it shoudl work wit all metronomes with a midi in socket)
-Just connect the MIDI output of the SPD-S with the MIDI in from the metronome.
-Make sure that you’ve set the tempo of the patch (and loop) or single loop.
-Turn the metronome on.
-press midi on the metronome
-play the sample or whole patch
and enjoy. What will happen, is that the metronome follows the tempo of the loop/sample.
! make sure that the tempo is a full nummer (like 98 and not 98.5 or so) if you don’t do this, you will notice that the metronome keeps switching ind tempo between 2 full numbers !"
Irgendwie sehr verwirrend dieses JA/NEIN um die Midi geschichte.
Das es nicht sync. läuft ist klar, aber ein gewisses Start/Stop Signal geben????