Unter dem Titel "'Nashville Drummer' Added to Endangered Species List" lernen wir, dass Country Drummer eine gefährdet Spezies sind.
In den Kommentaren ergänzt der Autor, der selber Schlagzeuger ist:
Zitat"Being a country drummer is the easiest and hardest job at the same time. On one hand, you don’t have to be incredibly technically proficient like the drummers in metal or prog rock (though some country drummers still are). But at the same time, you have to know your place and practice restraint, which is difficult for any musician. The place of a country drummer is to be heard and not seen, to blend in with the rest of the music, to understand that country is about the song, the voice, and the lead players first. It’s a selfless job, but also very critical to the music. It takes a certain type of animal to be a good country drummer, to know your place, be fine with just keeping the rhythm, and understand that your creativity comes out in your ear and restraint, and knowing where to add subtle textures as opposed waiting for the next monster drum fill."
Das trifft es aus meiner (selbst betroffenen) Sicht sehr gut.