Hi MetalHead82,
thanks for your welcoming. I understand and agree with you. Nice to hear that you have a Turkish Cymbal. If you bought your Turkish Cymbals crash from our head showroom in Beyoglu- Istanbul, you had to introduce with our export director Miss Semaya. She is a very kind person. Could you please tell me which series crash do you have? I can say after I read your nickname you have a Kurak or Rock Beat Raw Crash...

Turkish Cymbals
Hi Bülent,
I bought a 17" RockBeat crash.
I did not have the pleasure to meet Miss Semaya; when I was at the store, a young male employee was there. He didn't seem to be of Turkish origin; he spoke English with a Swiss, or maybe Scandinavian, accent, if I'm not mistaken.
I would like to complete my cymbal with a 16" and an 18" RockBeat crash. -
Hi again, my friend. I don't know the guy maybe you were in a different shop. Rock Beat Series is one of our bestseller. I'm playing with Rock Beat Crashes 16"-17" at my drumset, too. Unfortunately 16" and 18" Rock Beat Crashes have been sold but we've already ordered new Turkish Cymbals from Istanbul. I think our stocks will be completed in a month. I'll let you know.
Hi again dear drummer friends,
our stocks are completed with a great new serie: John Blackwell Signature Series. Mr. John Blackwell was the drummer of Prince. He is an amazing drummer ( I learnt my first stick trick from him
and his cymbals are amazing, too. You can check their natural sounds out at our interactive website http://www.cymballandvirtual.de . You know how. Just play with your PC mouse them. And you could visit for the other infos : http://www.cymballand.de .
Freundlich Grüße, have a great sunday...
Bülent from Cymballand
[Bild in Link gewandelt, da zu voluminös - Gruß mc.mod] -
Hello and welcome to the Drummerforum.
First at all it is nice to see that turkish cymbals has now a german distrubutor and now the colleaques have the ability when it comes to buying turkish cymbals to get them here in germany.
Secondly i am sorry i am not a big fan of your cymbal sound but there are great sounds in there.Especially the john Blackwell ride is a great sounding cymbal and seems pretty heavy? -
Hello and welcome to the Drummerforum.
First at all it is nice to see that turkish cymbals has now a german distrubutor and now the colleaques have the ability when it comes to buying turkish cymbals to get them here in germany.
Secondly i am sorry i am not a big fan of your cymbal sound but there are great sounds in there.Especially the john Blackwell ride is a great sounding cymbal and seems pretty heavy?Hi David,
thanks for your feedback. I'm an endorser of Turkish Cymbals and I'm playing them for 13 years. When I came to Germany from Istanbul 3 years ago, I noticed that there was no dealer of Turkish Cymbals and most of the drummers didn't hear the company. I surprised because Turkish Cymbals is 24 years old company and they're selling tons of cymbals entire world. I thought I can do, why not? It could be my chance. Because I really know this cymbals. They made from high-quality B20 materials, hand hammered and their prices are better than others. Now here we are and And I can say all of my drummer friends like my cymbals
John Blackwell Series cymbals are generally thin and light. Thin crash, thin china, small an thin hi-hat. The ride is pretty heavier than other series rides as you told. The weight of the ride is 3474g. There is only one cymbal is heavier than John Blackwell: Rock Beat Ride 22" (3673g). And the John Blackwell Ride Jazz 22" is 2791g. -
Hi Bülent,
i am thinking abouting testing Turkish cymbals for a longer time now. I have two questions: Can i just come by at cymballand, so do you have something like open hours or do i need an appointment and if how long before should i ask for it??...and...
I'm really interested in the Millennium Series, but also the Classic Cymbals sound really good (on your Website and what you can find on youtube)... Now i mostly play Blues Rock, put also like to play a little harder once in a while, so I am not really a Jazz-type of drummer. I really like the K-Zildjians as a reference, but was also really blown away by the sound samples I have found of the Millennium Series. Now, these are supposed to be pure Jazz Cymbals, is that correct. Do you think (If you get the right sizes, like 15'' HH, 18''/19'' C, 22'' R for example) they also work well for blues rock or with a little bit harder playing style?
And where are the main differences between them and the classic series?
Cheers, Alex
Alex, ich glaube Du solltest Bülent eher per Handy oder Facebook oder über die Homepage zu erreichen versuchen (siehe Startpost in diesem Thread).
Er war nun das letzte Mal hier im DF im September 2017 angemeldet, und wer weiß, wann er Deine Frage lesen und beantworten wird.Grüße,
Tom -
Hi Bülent,
i am thinking abouting testing Turkish cymbals for a longer time now. I have two questions: Can i just come by at cymballand, so do you have something like open hours or do i need an appointment and if how long before should i ask for it??Dear Alex,
first of all, thanks for your interest in our Handmade Turkish Cymbals and for your message. And so sorry for my very late response. But anyway, I don't wanna leave your questions without an answer.
Actually, I don't have a physical shop. Drummers are having their cymbals generally from the website http://www.cymballand.de. But if any drummer wanna check our Turkish Cymbals out as personally just like you, we're making a date and meeting at my storage. It's a pleasure for me. We know each other face to face, drinking coffee ( most of timeand trying a lot of Turkish Cymbals. There is a real " Cymballand". I guarantee
I'm really interested in the Millennium Series, but also the Classic Cymbals sound really good (on your Website and what you can find on youtube)... Now i mostly play Blues Rock, put also like to play a little harder once in a while, so I am not really a Jazz-type of drummer. I really like the K-Zildjians as a reference, but was also really blown away by the sound samples I have found of the Millennium Series. Now, these are supposed to be pure Jazz Cymbals, is that correct. Do you think (If you get the right sizes, like 15'' HH, 18''/19'' C, 22'' R for example) they also work well for blues rock or with a little bit harder playing style?
If you asking my personal opinion, they're only the names. I have a lot of rock drummer-friends which are playing our Vintage Soul Series, Dark Hammer Series etc. Or there are Jazz drummers which are playing our Ephesus Series. If you find your sound, your taste in Millennium Series, that's all. But why Turkish Cymbals is classifying their series? Because of their weights. For example, Turkish Cymbals released Sehzade Jazz and Kurak Jazz Series last year. A regular Kurak Ride is about 3000 grams and it has a big, powerful bell. Kurak Ride Jazz 21" is about 2000 grams and has a smaller bell. If Millennium is responding your needs, you can absolutely play Rock, Blues with them.
And where are the main differences between them and the classic series?
Millennium Series is a bit thinner and lighter. A bit more hammered and more frequently lathed. These are making their sound smoother, sharper and they are sensitive. A quicker response.
Classics are in medium-weights, a bit heavier than Milleniums and their sound is darker, washier and a bit louder.But of course, they're handmade and there are heavy Millenniums and light Classics. I'm just talking about a general differences
Cheers, Alex
Cheers, man! All the best.
Alex, ich glaube Du solltest Bülent eher per Handy oder Facebook oder über die Homepage zu erreichen versuchen (siehe Startpost in diesem Thread).
Er war nun das letzte Mal hier im DF im September 2017 angemeldet, und wer weiß, wann er Deine Frage lesen und beantworten wird.Grüße,
TomThanks for your help, dear Tom. You're definitely right! I'm always ready to help via Facebook Page, e-mail or Whatsapp. Here is the contact info:
My Handy: 0177 4035975
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/cymballand/
E-mail: info@cymballand.de
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