Live Studio Recording + Musikvideo (post-punk / progressive)

  • Moin,

    Würd' mich über ein kleines Review zum Getrommel freuen. Das erste mal auf einem Video.. da dacht' ich mir; ergreife ich die Gelegenheit eins zwei Meinungen einzuholen.

    "you fail me as love's greatest war/ that was never worth/ you were never worth fighting for/ dying living dying living dying everyday/ living dying living dying living everyday/ you think you are a poet/ in your eyes you are a star/ who lives through a fantasy of rising above/ you think you're a victim/ but you live as a drunk/ that has never sacrificed that has never loved/ [...] this world doesn't fight you, you fight yourself/ thinking we fail you you fail yourself" converge - you fail me

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von die_everyday ()

  • so kacke, dass keiner antwortet?

    "you fail me as love's greatest war/ that was never worth/ you were never worth fighting for/ dying living dying living dying everyday/ living dying living dying living everyday/ you think you are a poet/ in your eyes you are a star/ who lives through a fantasy of rising above/ you think you're a victim/ but you live as a drunk/ that has never sacrificed that has never loved/ [...] this world doesn't fight you, you fight yourself/ thinking we fail you you fail yourself" converge - you fail me

  • Eher umgekehrt.
    So gut, dass keiner antwortet! :)
    Ich weiß auch nicht. Vielleicht stösst den Leuten der Begriff LIVE in Verbindung mit einem geschnittenen Videoclip auf.
    Hast schonmal den ersten Fan :thumbup:

  • Oh, danke für die Rückmeldung. Die reine Schmeichelung.
    Verändere mal den Titel . . .

    "you fail me as love's greatest war/ that was never worth/ you were never worth fighting for/ dying living dying living dying everyday/ living dying living dying living everyday/ you think you are a poet/ in your eyes you are a star/ who lives through a fantasy of rising above/ you think you're a victim/ but you live as a drunk/ that has never sacrificed that has never loved/ [...] this world doesn't fight you, you fight yourself/ thinking we fail you you fail yourself" converge - you fail me

  • geile mucke! was für becken / trommeln wurden für die aufnahme verwendet?

  • geile mucke! was für becken / trommeln wurden für die aufnahme verwendet?


    18" Paiste 2002 Crash (klassisch!)
    20" Zildjian K Jazz-Ride (mal gebraucht geholt vor 10 Jahren und jetzt Riss bekommen, mega traurig :( )
    UFIP Hats mind. 20 Jahre alt, italienische Produktion, Serie weisz ich nicht, aber sehr stabil und knackig!
    Sonor Armoni China 18"
    dazu Kaputtes China +Crash 18" als Trash-Hihat.

    Trommeln von Tamburo: XD Master ( schön warmer & druckvoller Kesselsound aber scheisz Hardware) Evans EC2 Felle
    B.Drum mit Emad2 Fell
    Ludwig Snare: Black Magic 5,5" mit Evans Dry Fell (HDD)

    Nach 18 Jahren Schlagzeug liebe ich mein Set jetzt so wie es ist seit diesem Jahr endlich vollständig :), bis auf die miese Hardware von Tamburo, die Böckchen brechen mittlerweile Reihenweise ab. Das Nervt hart.

    "you fail me as love's greatest war/ that was never worth/ you were never worth fighting for/ dying living dying living dying everyday/ living dying living dying living everyday/ you think you are a poet/ in your eyes you are a star/ who lives through a fantasy of rising above/ you think you're a victim/ but you live as a drunk/ that has never sacrificed that has never loved/ [...] this world doesn't fight you, you fight yourself/ thinking we fail you you fail yourself" converge - you fail me

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von die_everyday ()

  • hallo :D ,

    mir gefällt`s auch, :thumbup: !
    gut gemacht, klasse kostüm, super stehlampe, ..."frau hansen.."!

    mfg :D

    hansen anspielung. hmm. kennen wir uns? ;)

    "you fail me as love's greatest war/ that was never worth/ you were never worth fighting for/ dying living dying living dying everyday/ living dying living dying living everyday/ you think you are a poet/ in your eyes you are a star/ who lives through a fantasy of rising above/ you think you're a victim/ but you live as a drunk/ that has never sacrificed that has never loved/ [...] this world doesn't fight you, you fight yourself/ thinking we fail you you fail yourself" converge - you fail me

  • Danke für euren Senf.

    Falls wer zugegen ist wir spielen bald unsere ersten Auswärtskonzerte, stehen hier:

    Wenn rein zufällig dann noch jemand ein Konzert für uns irgendwo in Nord- bis Mitteldeutschland am 23.10. klar machen könnte (auch ne Hausparty auf hut wäre tip top), dann schreib mir einfach. Wir brauchen nix. . . auszer Bier!

    "you fail me as love's greatest war/ that was never worth/ you were never worth fighting for/ dying living dying living dying everyday/ living dying living dying living everyday/ you think you are a poet/ in your eyes you are a star/ who lives through a fantasy of rising above/ you think you're a victim/ but you live as a drunk/ that has never sacrificed that has never loved/ [...] this world doesn't fight you, you fight yourself/ thinking we fail you you fail yourself" converge - you fail me

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von die_everyday ()

  • wollte hier auch unbedingt mal bekannt geben, dass ich das Video ganz großartig finde, sowohl vom Sound, vom spielerischen und den Ideen im Video. Einfach klasse. :thumbup:

  • vielen dank ! (wenn ihr wüsstet wie betrunken der kameramann war während der recording session. . . dafür hat er einen echt schönen schnitt gezaubert)

    "you fail me as love's greatest war/ that was never worth/ you were never worth fighting for/ dying living dying living dying everyday/ living dying living dying living everyday/ you think you are a poet/ in your eyes you are a star/ who lives through a fantasy of rising above/ you think you're a victim/ but you live as a drunk/ that has never sacrificed that has never loved/ [...] this world doesn't fight you, you fight yourself/ thinking we fail you you fail yourself" converge - you fail me

  • Oh, vielleicht auch interessant.
    Hier unsere Kassette zum anhören auf Bandcamp!

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    Wir drohen unseren Proberaum zu verlieren. Bitte unterstützt die Petition, damit auch wir in der Luftschlossfabrik in Flensburg bleiben können!…rojekts-luftschlossfabrik


    "you fail me as love's greatest war/ that was never worth/ you were never worth fighting for/ dying living dying living dying everyday/ living dying living dying living everyday/ you think you are a poet/ in your eyes you are a star/ who lives through a fantasy of rising above/ you think you're a victim/ but you live as a drunk/ that has never sacrificed that has never loved/ [...] this world doesn't fight you, you fight yourself/ thinking we fail you you fail yourself" converge - you fail me

  • diesmal video zu einer konzert-live-aufnahme

    "you fail me as love's greatest war/ that was never worth/ you were never worth fighting for/ dying living dying living dying everyday/ living dying living dying living everyday/ you think you are a poet/ in your eyes you are a star/ who lives through a fantasy of rising above/ you think you're a victim/ but you live as a drunk/ that has never sacrificed that has never loved/ [...] this world doesn't fight you, you fight yourself/ thinking we fail you you fail yourself" converge - you fail me

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