Welche alte Sonor Snare ist das?

  • Anhand dieser Fotos kann mir bestimmt jemand sagen welches Model aus welchem Jahr das ist, oder?

    Würde mich freuen.


    "you fail me as love's greatest war/ that was never worth/ you were never worth fighting for/ dying living dying living dying everyday/ living dying living dying living everyday/ you think you are a poet/ in your eyes you are a star/ who lives through a fantasy of rising above/ you think you're a victim/ but you live as a drunk/ that has never sacrificed that has never loved/ [...] this world doesn't fight you, you fight yourself/ thinking we fail you you fail yourself" converge - you fail me

  • ist zwar vor meiner Zeit...
    ...aber sicher ist es für die Kenner hilfreich, wenn Du noch detailierte Fotos von Strainer + Gegenstück machst.


    ..."meine" Musik: Jazz (Big Band bis Free), brasil. Musik, Avantgarde, hin+wieder Klassik ->am Drumset, an den Percussions, am Schlagwerk

  • Innendämpfer ist auf dem letzten Foto durchs clear Fell leicht zu sehen.

    Ich versuch noch bessere Fotos zu machen.

    "you fail me as love's greatest war/ that was never worth/ you were never worth fighting for/ dying living dying living dying everyday/ living dying living dying living everyday/ you think you are a poet/ in your eyes you are a star/ who lives through a fantasy of rising above/ you think you're a victim/ but you live as a drunk/ that has never sacrificed that has never loved/ [...] this world doesn't fight you, you fight yourself/ thinking we fail you you fail yourself" converge - you fail me

  • ...sieht halt stark nach der 444 Teardrop Serie aus
    ende 60er?

    "Deluxe Chrome Snare D-444" Quelle: http://www.sonormuseum.com/1969/1969.html

    "you fail me as love's greatest war/ that was never worth/ you were never worth fighting for/ dying living dying living dying everyday/ living dying living dying living everyday/ you think you are a poet/ in your eyes you are a star/ who lives through a fantasy of rising above/ you think you're a victim/ but you live as a drunk/ that has never sacrificed that has never loved/ [...] this world doesn't fight you, you fight yourself/ thinking we fail you you fail yourself" converge - you fail me

  • Das Ding würde ich gerne mit all seinen Schrammen und Beulen in sauberem Zustand sehen! :)

  • ... Hey jo,

    das ist eindeutig eine D444. Ich nenne momentan 2 dieser guten Stücke mein Eigentum. Super Snares.
    Leider fehlt bei Deiner die übliche Kappe am Strainer. Abgesehen von den kosemtischen Problemen dürfte
    sie allerdings ordentlich gestimmt sehr gut klingen. Kleiner Tipp: Remo macht Snare Resonanzfelle ohne Kragen.
    Die eignen sich besonders gut für die leicht untermaßigen Snaredrum-Kessel von Sonor!

    Viel Spaß damit :D

    Ich habe Interesse an; Zildjian K-Istanbul und Avedis Rides und Hihats (bis ende 60er) sowie Sonor Drumsets bis 1990! :thumbup:

  • Okay.

    Und danke für den Tipp. Klingt auch super das Ding! Sind die denn alle in 1969 produziert?

    "you fail me as love's greatest war/ that was never worth/ you were never worth fighting for/ dying living dying living dying everyday/ living dying living dying living everyday/ you think you are a poet/ in your eyes you are a star/ who lives through a fantasy of rising above/ you think you're a victim/ but you live as a drunk/ that has never sacrificed that has never loved/ [...] this world doesn't fight you, you fight yourself/ thinking we fail you you fail yourself" converge - you fail me

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