Hi guys, i have invented this new technique for play the clave and hi hat together.
The details are below the video, ENJOY!
Hi guys, i have invented this new technique for play the clave and hi hat together.
The details are below the video, ENJOY!
Hey Mattia,
for me, it sounds great! Nice version for Hi-Hat and Clave. But one question: You play the son clave with your left foot, but your hands play
songo. Is it correct? Songo is normally played with Rumba-Clave, or didn`t it?
Very nice feel!
An impressive piece of coordination.
You have to work on the tightness though.
The right hand plays the Bongobell pattern ochestrated on campana and Ride. Left Foot Plays son Clave which is the right choice for son .
The Bassdrum seems to follow the Tumbao with occasional liberties. Left hand solos over it mimmicking Bongo Parts here and there.
So its not necessarily Songo but an adaptation of regular Mambo patterns.
The use of the rumba clave could cause problems, since the motion ist not so straight forward and "round"
Basically he is playing two claves at the same time: The western quater note pulse and the afro cuban son clave.
This might be good to keep track of where this music would sit in western music and thus a good method to see where all comes together.
However, I personally wouldn´t choose this in an authentic Son setting an just play the Son Clave instead. In this case the right hand already keeps a steady quater note (or half note) pulse. From what I´ve learned so far it would be more desireable to play the Hi hat on the "ands" in combination with the Rumba Clave since it has a wider range of applicability in modern Styles of Music. The motion necessary to play both with one foot would probably look way different in order to make it work. It would be another invention....
Unfortunately the quality of the video doesn´t reveal too much of the movement.
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