Hi drummers,
I'm an italian drummer and I would like to know your opinion about my drumming. I can play in 2 completely different ways: using Moeller technique (I hold stick with little finger+ring finger), or using Gladstone technique (fulcrum between thumb and first JOINT of index finger)
I made 2 videos on drum pad, to show the difference between Moeller and Gladstone:
Now that I have my zoomQ2 I began to make videos, just drums, no music, so I can listen to my sound and my groove.
In these days I made 10 videos on my vintage drums, ( 8 videos using Moeller technique and 2 Videos using Gladstone).
I give a couple of exemples:
This is played using Moeller: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHD_F5NJfzQ
This is played using Gladstone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAsuQn7ILyk
When I listen to my videos I have completely different impressions. Moeller seems more groovy, Gladstone seems more in time clear and with some positive tension.
I would like to know if your opinion is the same or different.
Thank you guys