mal zum nachdenken...
Have you ever thought about the origins of the drumset?
The drumset is the percussive symbol of capitalist domination. Where
once the percussion section united cadres of dedicated individuals to
work together for a common rhythm, to communicate, to learn each other's
strengths and
weakness, and to come to consensus on the beat and the swing. With a
drumset, you fire everybody except the most dextrous drummer and eliminate
of that beautiful social
interaction. Why? Is the music any better having one person play everything?
No. It is all about maximizing profit. The manager reasons, "Why pay
five drummers, when I get away with just paying one!"
Liberate your drum set! Dismantle capitalism as you dismantle
your kit! Take it apart and pass out all the pieces to your friends [to form a samba band]...
ich find ja ausbeutung und kapitalismus sehr böse, aber drummen muss ich trotzdem!
...alte sets lassen sich aber tatsächlich gut in sambaequipment verwandeln