hallo mädels.
ich habe ein avedis 18er crash made in canada 70er jahre. was sagt mir das? ist das gut oder scheisse? in welchem zeitraum wurden die dinger in canada hergestellt oder werden sie es heute dort auch noch?
als ich mein 20er k ride aus den 80ern bei ebay verscheppert habe, war ein typ ganz geil auf die canadische version. ist irgend was so toll an den canadischen zildjians? ich will es nämlich verkaufen.

avedis canada
Hatte ich doch auch vor ein paar Wochen mal gefragt.
ich habe selber ein 20er Avedis Ride (Medium bis Medium Heavy) aus Kanada. Klingt geil, aber noch nicht mal im großen Cymbalbook stand was von Avedis-Becken aus Kanada, sondern nur von Ks. Viele "Aveden" werden die da nicht gemacht haben.
ps: Ich schau mir das Ding beim Treffen bei Dir an, bis dahin wird es nicht vertickt!! Und wenn, dann an mich.
sorry, ich hatte mich der suchmaschine bemächtigt, aber leider nichts passendes gefunden.
ok, bis zum treffen ists ja nicht mehr lange hin, ich verschone es noch so lange.
Tach zusammen,
hier einige Infos von der sagenhaften Beckenseite http://www.cymbalholic.com
here is some specific info regarding the Canadian factory from Robert Zildjian, for those who are interested:
What happened to K. Zildjian next can only be understood in the context of another development, the formation of Azco Ltd. in Meductic, New Brunswick, in 1968. "We were having labor problems at the factory in North Quincy because of the different requirements for oven room workers and machine operators, so my father thought we might try breaking them
up into two separate plants, one that would just do casting and rolling, and one that would do finishing work. I'd been coming to Willard Way's hunting and fishing lodge in Meductic for years. I was sitting under a tree one day, and I turned to
him and said, 'Willard, how'd you like to run a cymbal factory?'He said 'Sure, why
not,' and six months later we opened. "From '68-'70, we produced Zilco cymbals. There were two types of Zilcos. Originally there was a Zildjian that didn't make
it, a second; then there was a Zilco that was a thinner rolling done without hammering,
which cut the cost considerably. And that's when Dick Dane and I invented the
pressing process for cymbals, which eventually replaced the old Quincy drop hammer that I developed in 1955.(HERE IS THE PART SPECIFICALLY REFERRING TO CANADIAN A'S)
But after 1970, Quincy needed all of our production for Zildjians, so they'd send castings up to Azco and we'd make them into cymbals eventually we were responsible for 40%f the company's output."Then in 1975, after we'd been bringing
K. Zildjians in for Gretsch, things became
impossible with the Turkish government. I
had to go to Gretsch and explain that we
were taking K. Zildjian out of Turkey,
bringing the guys to the Azco factory in
Canada, and that we'd be producing the
K's up there."
Thus, for a little while anyway, the de-
scendants of Haroutian Zildjian-of the
two brothers Avedis and Kerope Zild-
jian-were reunited in North America af-
ter years of transoceanic competition and
conflict. But then in February, 1979, Ave-
dis Armand Zildjian passed away after a
long and fruitful life and his cousin,
Mikhail Zilcan, died a few short months
later.Seppel, ich hoffe, Dir ist damit geholfen.
Ich persönlich besitze ein 18" Canadian K, das wirklich einmalig klingt, weil eben noch handgehämmert.Gruss
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