• Heute wirds doomig im Grindcore-Tollhaus: Das mit satten 45 Sekunden extralange "Dripping Doom" kann man sich HIER runterladen. Inhaltlich gibts diesmal Luftkrieg gegen unser aller Lieblingstyrann Gaddafi (der sich so langsam aber sicher zum Dauergast und heimlichen Maskottchen von WNG mausert), seinen ehemaligen Lieblingsaußenminister, verstrahlte japanische Energiegewinnungsbauten, explodierende Briefbomben sowie Koranverbrennungen mit anschließendem Blutbad am anderen Ende der Welt und mit Stühlen verwachsene Amerikaner. Reinhören lohnt sich!


    Not everyone can sit as tight as you
    Radioactive cataclysm causes nuclear resistance

    Tell us secrets in exchange for safety and remission
    Spectres haunting
    Warthogs attack
    An outraged tyrant

    Iconoclasmic preacher of hate
    Your ignorance leads to death


    03-29-2011 - Libya: The aerial warfare against Gadhafis troops is entering the next level: After several bomb attacks the allied forces begin to use ground attack aircrafts AC-130 Spectre and A-10 Warthog. These planes are able to attack enemies in urban surroundings.

    03-30-2011 - Chicago, USA: An obese man is cut from the chair he sat on for two years. His skin became fused to the seat which was covered in feces, maggots and urine. Neighbors had called the police because of the disgusting stench coming out of his filthy apartment.

    03-30-2011 - London, England: Gadhafis foreign minister Mussa Kussa is escaping to London and asks for political asylum. The Libyan dictator is outraged - Kussa could provide the NATO with precious intelligence.

    03-31-2011 - Olten, Switzerland: Two employees get injured by a mail bomb detonating in the office of nuclear lobby group Swissnuclear.

    04-01-2011 - Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan: After their traditional Friday prayers, hundreds of protesters attack the UNO bureau, vandalize and kill at least eleven employees and foreigners. The demonstrations started because of US sect preacher Terry Jones who was part of a Koran burning in an American Christian church twelve days before.

    04-02-2011 - Fukushima, Japan: Contaminated water is trickling through a crack in the hull of Reactor 2. It is highly probable that a meltdown already happened. Experts also measure alarmingly high radioactivity in the sea water near the power plant.


    Vocals, Lyrics & Drums: Dr. Unas Barschel
    Guitars & Bass: Detlev Nahash Rohwedder

  • Willkommen zurück beim Wochenrückblick Eures Vertrauens!

    Heute gibt es HIER mit 47 Sekunden epischer Länge die gewohnte wöchentliche Ohrenfolter, die man sich HIER runterladen kann.
    Mit dabei: Jammernde Despoten, sture Ex-Präsidenten, liquidierte Waffenhändler, durchgeschüttelte Inselstaaten und wild um sich ballernde Holländer.
    Viel Spaß!


    Powerful and fragile - Uranium milkshake
    Soldiers intervent - Step down, old president

    Let me teach you democracy
    But stop your warbirds first

    What a beautiful Saturday
    For both shopping spree and killing spree

    We'll find you and bring you down


    04-04-2011 - Abidjan, Ivory Coast: UN soldiers attack former president Laurent Gbagbo's emplacements. He was voted out in November 2010 but is still refusing to step down.

    04-05-2011 - Port Sudan, Sudan: In the evening, an unidentified foreign military airplane bombs a single car. One of the two killed persons is identified as Palestinian Hamas arms dealer Abdel-Latif al-Ashkar. It is highly possible that the attacking plane came from Israel.

    04-06-2011 - Washington, USA: Moammar Gadhafi writes a letter to US president Barack Obama asking to stop the NATO bombings in Libya. He claims that the attacks cause more moralic than military. "A democratic society cannot be built with of missiles and fighter jets."

    04-08-2011 - Onagawa, Japan: After a 7.4-magnitude aftershock, there is a holding basin leak at nuclear power plant Onagawa 100km north of Fukushima. The cooling system is out of order for some time.

    04-09-2011 - Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands: A young man runs amok in a shopping mall. With his submachine gun he shoots at pedestrians, killing seven and injuring at least ten.


    Vocals, Lyrics & Drums: Dr. Unas Barschel
    Guitars & Bass: Detlev Nahash Rohwedder

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Unas ()

  • Hallo, liebe Freunde des Wahnsinns, heute haben wir HIER (und HIER zum Download) mal wieder ein extrakleines gemeines Stück vertonter Weltgesamtsituation für euch.
    Garantiert strahlungs- und moralisch einwandfrei geht es diesmal um in Unterhosen abgeführte Staatsmänner, verstreute Gemeinheiten in Wohngebieten, explodierende U-Bahnen, Diktatoren in U-Haft und vieles mehr.
    Seid dabei!


    Firing orders and corruption
    800 bodies exhumed

    The innocent grinded up
    Arrest the stubborn one

    One side clusters lethal gifts
    The other one's running out of bombs


    04-11-2011 - Abidjan, Ivory Coast: According to French ambassador Jean-Marc Simon, Laurent Gbagbo is captured by his opponent Ouattaras troops.

    04-11-2011 - Minsk, Belarus: An explosion in a key subway station kills 11 people and injures about 100 more. It is unknown what or who caused the detonation, but the police considers the possibility of a terroristic attack.

    04-12-2011 - Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt: Former president Husni Mubarak and his sons Gamal and Alaa are remanded in custody for 15 days. The hearings could be about the killed protesters during the revolution in February and "financial irregularities".

    04-14-2011 - Anbar province, Iraq: A mass grave is discovered holding the remains of more than 800 Kurds, Shi’ites, women, children and apparently political opponents of former dictator Saddam Hussein.

    04-15-2011 - Tripolis, Libya: The government denies firing cluster bombs in urban regions - even after fragments have been found and photographed in Misurata.

    04-16-2011 - Brussels, Belgium: After only about three weeks of leading Operation Odyssey Dawn, the NATO forces are already running out of laser-guided precision bombs.


    Vocals, Lyrics & Drums: Dr. Unas Barschel
    Guitars & Bass: Detlev Nahash Rohwedder

  • Hallo, werte Wohlstandsverwöhnte!

    Heute gibt es HIER (und HIER zum Download) die volle Feiertagsdröhnung, bei der Euch garantiert die Ostereier im Hals stecken bleiben. Mit dabei ist diesmal wieder Nicolas Ferdinand I., der auch schon beim Intro am Neujahrstag mitgewirkt hat.
    Die letzte Woche brachte uns merkwürdige Absprachen zwischen Staatsoberhäuptern, lebensgefährliche Stop-and-Go-Gefechte in Nordafrika sowie verseuchte Sperrgebiete, niedergemetzelte Trauerzüge, waffentragende Sechsjährige und ferngesteuerte Raubvögel.

    Nehmt Euch die Zeit und denkt für ein paar Minuten an all die Leute, denen heute keine Schokoeier vergönnt sind.


    No man's land
    No return

    Murdered while grieving
    No end in sight
    A smeary deal should help the man
    To pull his neck off the noose

    War and cease-fire and war again
    This time it was no snapshot

    Remote control birds of prey
    Cause much more damage
    Than a gun in the hands of a child


    04-20-2011 - Houston, USA: A six-year-old elementary school brings a loaded gun to school. By falling out of his pocket it discharges and injures him and two other kindergartners. The polices investigates how the kid obtained the weapon.

    04-21-2011 - Fukushima, Japan: The government decides to seal of the contaminated area around the damaged nuclear power plant. The former residents demanded to be allowed to return to collect belongings but it seems like future access will be very limited.

    04-21-2011 - Misurata, Libya: Award-winning war photographers Tim Hetherington and Chris Hondros loose their lives during an artillery strike.

    04-23-2011 - Misurata, Libya: According to rebel spokesmen, the sieged city is officially liberated. US Air Force starts deploying MQ-1 Predator"drones for precision attacks against Gadhafis troops.

    04-23-2011 - Syria: Eye witnesses report that Assad's soldiers shoot at funeral processions killing at least six people. The processions were dedicated to more than 100 shot protesters from the day before.

    04-24-2011 - Misurata, Libya: The battle of Misurata is resumed.

    04-24-2011 - Sanaa, Yemen: A deal brokered by Persian Gulf nations that grants Yemen's president immunity from prosecution if he steps down within 30 days enrages the country's people. Thousands of protesters are marching through the capital's streets.


    Vocals, Lyrics & Drums: Dr. Unas Barschel
    Guest Vocals: Nicolas Ferdinand I.
    Guitars & Bass: Detlev Nahash Rohwedder

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Unas ()

  • Vielen Dank!

    Hier auch mal das Artwork, welches später in abgeänderter Form das Cover zieren wird. Derzeit arbeite ich im Rahmen meiner Bachelorarbeit daran, die Geschehnisse der vergangenen vier (und noch folgenden zwei) Monate illustrativ aufzuarbeiten. Die Plakate, die dabei entstehen, werden im 32-seitigen Booklet (natürlich im Kleinformat) zu finden sein. Wer sich die Dinger wandfüllend anschauen möchte, der kann gern Ende Juli mal ins beschauliche Würzburg fahren, wo mal wieder unsere - und meine letzte - Semesterausstellung stattfinden wird.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Unas ()

  • N'Abend! Heute gibt es HIER und hier zum DOWNLOAD den neusten WNG-Broadcast, heute mit einem kleinen Gastauftritt von Anna Grindh!

    Sicher haben es einige mitbekommen: US of A's Staatsfeind Nr. 1, Mr. Bin Laden, der seit fast zehn Jahren erfolgreich die angeblich gewitztesten Geheimdienste der Welt zum Narren gehalten hat, ist gestern Nacht erschossen worden. Und was tun Menschen, die entweder nicht besonders hell im Kopf oder keinen Deut besser sind als der besagte Herr? Sie jubeln vorm Weißen Haus. Sind wir die einzigen, die sich da an den Kopf packen? Den Rest des Inhalts spar ich mir heute mal, kann man alles nachlesen. Kekse gibts, wer den Joke im Titel versteht.


    My son just died
    He was a nice guy

    Blown up cafés
    Innocent inmates
    Tanks against civilians
    And handcuffed terrorists

    Nearly ten years it took to find the No. 1
    A nation proud as fuck
    And the cynics are chanting

    USA! USA!


    04-25-2011: WikiLeaks publishes more than 700 secret documents dealing with U.S. detention camp Guantanamo Bay. The documents reveal details about everyday life in the camp and show that just a few of the prisoners are suspected terrorists.

    04-25-2011 - Daraa, Syria: About 3,000 soldiers reinforced with tanks clamp down on the protesters in Daraa. Around twenty people get killed. In several other cities they kill or arrest many civilians. The number of dead people since the start of the riots has already exceeded 400.

    04-25-2011 - Rome, Italy: On an Alitalia flight from Paris to Rome, a 48-year-old Kazakh attacks a stewardess with a nail file, demanding the pilot to land the plane in the capital of Libya. After he is overwhelmed and tranquillized, the plane lands safely in Rome. Apparently the man has no connections to terroristic groups.

    04-28-2011 - Marrakesh, Morocco: A huge detonation in the kitchen of a café at Djemaa el Fna, one of Africa's busiest squares, kills fourteen people and injures twenty more. Police spokesmen assume the explosion was not caused by accident.

    04-29-2011 - Düsseldorf/Essen, Germany: Three suspicts get arrested in the morning. They were planning major terror attacks in Germany with the help of a high-ranking al Qaeda member in Afghanistan.

    04-30-2011 - Tripolis, Libya: Saif al-Arab al-Gadhafi, the youngest of Muammar Gadhafi's six sons and three of the dictators grandchildren get killed by a NATO airstrike.

    05-01-2011 - Abbottabad, Pakistan: In the night to Monday a U.S. Navy Seals team shoots al Qaeda founder Osama Bin Laden in his hideout mansion. Outside the White House in Washington, USA people are chanting "USA! USA!" and "Hey, hey, hey, goodbye!" in reference to the demise of the dead terrorist.


    Vocals, Lyrics & Drums: Dr. Unas Barschel
    Guest Vocals: Anna Grindh
    Guitars & Bass: Detlev Nahash Rohwedder

  • Hallo, Freunde des News Grind!

    Entgegen der ursprünglichen Planung, die sechs Monate voller Broadcasts umfasste, werden es aus organisatorischen Gründen "nur" fünf. Das heißt im Klartext: Noch vier mal Grindcore von mir plus ein Outro, dann ist Schicht. Ich werde im Juli mein Studium abschließen und mich anschließend ins Ausland absetzen, was natürlich ein bisschen Planung voraussetzt. Das Booklet für WNG ist derzeit in der Mache und wird nun definitiv 28 Seiten haben, zusätzlich werde ich wohl die ersten Broadcasts nochmal remastern und anschließend als Komplettpaket hochladen. Am Ende gibt es also das Rundum-Glücklich-Grind-Paket für die ganze angepisste Familie.

    Over und out,


  • Ich habe ja angekündigt, dass es die WNG-Songs am Ende dann nochmal remasterter Form veröffentlicht werden sollen, weil es recht viel Kritik am Sound gegeben hat. Eine solche Version habe ich jetzt auf Soundcloud hochgeladen, die man mit dem Broadcast-Original vergleichen kann:



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