Bo Diddley ist tot

  • Danke für die Info! Bin traurig. Nicht viele drummer wissen was sie Boo Diddley zu verdanken haben, obwohl er ja Gitarrist war, und kein drummer. R.I.P.
    Für diejenigen , die Bo nicht kennen, einfach mal lohnt sich.
    Außer "Mona" von den Rollig Stones ist das grösste Kompliment aller Rockmusiker an einen anderen Rockmusiker das Lied "The Story of Bo Diddley" von den Animals, schon damals ziemlich abseits von jeglichem mainstream und weitgehend unbekannt. Es lohnt sich, das Lied groovemässig anzuhören, oder sogar zu covern (der Refrain: "Oh la la the Rock´n roll" geht einfach unter die Haut).. aber noch viel wichtiger ist der Text, gerade in der heutigen Zeit wo Lyrics wieder sehr wichtig geworden sind. . Daher (sorry für einen langen Post), hier die vollen Lyrics, vielleicht als Nachruf oder so...(man muss aber das Lied dazu hören, das ist irgendwie wichtig....bitte youtuben)
    Story Of Bo Diddley- The Animals - Lyrics:
    Now lets hear the story of Bo Diddley and the Rock n Roll scene in general
    Bo Diddley was born Elias McDaniels in a place called McCoom,
    Missississipi about 1926
    He moved to Chicago about 1938
    Where his name was eventually changed to Bo Diddley
    He practiced the guitar everyday and sometimes into the night
    Till his papa's hair began to turn white
    His Pa said Son, listen hear, I know
    You can stay but that guitar has just gotta go
    So he pulled his hat down over his eyes
    Headed out for them Western Skies
    I think Bob Dylan said that
    He hit New York City
    He began to play at the Apollo in Harlem
    Good scene there everybody raving
    One day, one night, came a Cadillac with four head lights
    Came a man with a big, long, fat, cigar said, C'mere son, I'm gonna make you a
    Bo Diddley said, Uh..whats in it for me?
    Man said, Shut your mouth son , play the guitar and you just wait and
    Well, that boy made it, he made it real big
    And so did the rest of the rock n roll scene along with him
    And a white guy named Johnny Otis took Bo Diddleys rhythm
    He changed it into hand-jive and it went like this
    In a little old country town one day
    A little old country band began to play
    Add two guitars and a beat up saxophone
    When the drummer said, boy, those cats begin to roam
    Oh baby oh we oh oh
    Ooh la la that rock and roll
    Ya hear me oh we oh oh
    Ooh la la that rock and roll
    Then in the U.S. music scene there was big changes made
    Due to circumstances beyond our control such as payola
    The rock n roll scene died after two years of solid rock and you got discs like,
    Take good care of my baby
    Please don't ever make her blue and so forth
    About, ah, one year later in a place called Liverpool in England
    Four young lads with mop haircuts began to sing stuff like, ah...
    It's been a hard days night and I;ve been working like a dog and so on
    In a place called Richmond in Surrey, whay down in the deep south
    They got guys with long hair down their back singing
    I wanna be your lover baby I wanna be your man yeah and all that jazz
    Now we've doing this number, Bo Diddley, for quite some time now
    Bo Diddley visited this country last year
    We were playing at the Club A Gogo in Newcastle, our home town
    The doors opened one night and to our surprise walked in the man himself, Bo
    Along with him was Jerome Green, his maraca man, and the Duchess, his gorgeous
    And a we were doing this number
    Along with them came the Rolling Stones, the Mersey Beats,
    They're all standing around diggin' it
    And I overheard Bo Diddley talkin'
    He turned around to Jermone Green
    And he said, Hey, Jerome? What do you think these guys doin' our..our
    Jerome said, Uh, where's the bar, man? Please show me to the bar...
    He turned around the Duchess
    And he said, Hey Duchess...what do you think of these young guys doin' our
    She said, I don't know. I only came across here to see the changin' of the
    guards and all that jazz.
    Well, Bo Diddley looked up and said to me, with half closed eyes and a smile,
    He said Man, took off his glasses,
    He said, Man, that sure is the biggest load of rubbish I ever heard in my
    Hey Bo Diddley
    Oh Bo Diddley
    Yeah Bo Diddley
    Oh Bo Diddley
    Yeah Bo Diddley

    "Mamma, hast Du irgendwo meinen Stimmschlüssel gesehen?"

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von rootheart ()

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