Drummers : please answer this survey !

  • Hi Bontempi
    As rude as i am (No, i dont own one of them :D ) i'll just ask:
    Could you post some of the results of your survey here in the board?
    I found your survey very interesting and i think some people here would be quite interested too... ;)
    I'm sure it will start some conversation, as i know these boardmembers, and maybe that will also give you some more opinions and feedback.

    P.S. Done :D

    To be is to do (Kant). To do is to be (Sartre). Do be do be do (Sinatra).
    Mein YAMAHA!

  • did it, too...
    I was just wondering what kind of business you need this information for? If you are going to start your own hand crafting cymbal manufactory I'd say you better don't. There are enough of them out there, and it will hard to get into this market. Moreover I don't think we need more of them ;)

  • Zitat

    Original von donstevano
    did it, too...
    I was just wondering what kind of business you need this information for? If you are going to start your own hand crafting cymbal manufactory I'd say you better don't. There are enough of them out there, and it will hard to get into this market. Moreover I don't think we need more of them ;)


    There's enough music on planet earth. Please stop playing.

    Da fehlt doch schon wieder der Ironie-Smiley! :)

    nontoxic: kurze lange CD-Pause

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