im Zuge meiner Ufip-Ritmo Experience hab ich mich mal umgehört was an ungleichgroßen Hihats dran ist und folgendes by den Cymbalholics gefunden:
"Lastly on to the idea of smaller top hat cymbals.
I do this when I play jazz. I normally play a set of 14" Newbeats for my rock/fusion/pop stuff. But when I want a more soft,darker,sloshyer tone for my jazz stuff, I just put the top Newbeat on the bottom and use a 13" very thin 50's era cymbal on top. This combo works very very well. I get perfect contact between the hats due to the smaller one on top, which gives me a great foot and stick chick sounds. And I can get several stick sounds by playing the top cymbal, or playing the edge of the bottom, or both at the same time. There are several other ways to play them but I wont get into those. I think this would work with any smaller thin K(A) cymbal.
A big part of the sound is a very thin top. The other point I would like to make is to make sure you keep your top hat loose, don't clamp it down like many drummers do, it really hinders the sound and your control."
"one thing relevant to what one of the other posts said is that i recently went to a bosphorus dealer for a pair of 13" hats, and after trying all 14 pairs he had (!), i chose my favourite pair, only to find when i got home that they were mismatched, and that the lower hat was couple of cm bigger all the way round. i even went back to the shop, because i presumed that they guy had mixed them up, but I picked exactly the same mis-matched pair out again blind folded....the ears don' lie! "
Ich bin wirklich schon mal sehr gespannt wie die Hats klingen. Muss sie immer noch ausprobieren!
Take Five