The USA Songwriting Competition

  • Meldet euch !

    Entries for the 10th Annual USA Songwriting Competition are currently being accepted. Winning songs of the 2005 USA Songwriting Competition will receive airplay on a nationally syndicated radio program "Acoustic Café" as well as XM Satellite Radio.
    This is the first Songwriting Competition that gives airplay to the winning songs, giving deserving bands, songwriters the recognition and exposure they deserve. This is opened to all regardless of nationality.
    On Sunday, May 29, 2005, 4pm (eastern time USA), XM Radio [Channel: Unsigned : XM 52] will be airing the 2004 USA songwriting Competition winning songs, featuring songwriters such as Charlotte Kelly (UK), Patrice Pike (USA), David Francey (Canada), Dale Willis (Australia), Matson Belle (Czech Republic) and many more.

    All song entries must be postmarked by May 31, 2005 or earlier.


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