habe mir eben mein td20 auf version 1.07 upgedated. Folgende Punkte wurden verändert:
TD-20 Version 1.07 Update
New update for the TD-20 adds new functions & various improvements
The following things have been improved.
1. It supported to the "VH-11", the "KD-85", and the "PD-85".
2. The accuracy of a metronome was improved.
3. The time which SMF update takes was shortened(about 30 minits).
4. A "Reverb Time" of a "Backing Reverb" was not operating correctly-now working
5. When it edits hitting the PAD, a oscillation sound may come out--now working
Hat irgendjemand eine ahnung was das mit dem SMF update bedeutet??? Ich weiss nichtmal was ein SMF update sein soll!